The natural landscape provides endless inspiration, from meadows to mountains, quiet streams, and raging torrents.
Leaning Oak in the Fall - one of my favorite trees (and there are many). This oak has so much personality, sitting alone on a hillside above the San Francisco Bay.
Primordial Garden - Fall Creek at Henry Cowell State Park is one of my favorite spots. This as taken after a rain along the creek, with mist still in the air.
Morning, Horshoe Pond - in late Fall, with a misty rain falling in the surounding forest, I captured a quiet moment and the vestigages of Fall colors.
Hamms Creek after the rain - the leaves, still holding on to their vibrant Fall colors blanket the forest floor.
Methusalah Tree - this ancient redwood along Skyline boulevard managed to escape the logger's axe, providing a glimps of the magesty of the coasal forests before they were cut.
Rock in the Stream - often I come across some simple, Zen-like arrangement of rocks in a stream, a subject for quiet meditation.
Peters Creek - in the late winter and early spring the banks of the creek are lush with moss and grasses.
Leaning Oak in the Spring - another variation on my Leaning Oak series, this was taken in the spring just as it was leafing out and the grasses were bright green.
Forgotten Boat - a small seasonal pond near the Budhist retreat bordering Long Ridge. It's easy to picture a vistitor quietly paddling across the pond while reflecting on the meaning of Life.
Turning Leaves - Another image from Horseshoe Pond at Skyline Open Space. The range of colors caught my eye.