Plants offer an endless array of forms, symetry, and combinations of colors that make them wonderful subjects for photography.
Fall Colors - in late fall the leaves on the ground can be as captivating as those still on the trees. Here a mixture of leaves at Hamms Creek in Portola Valley caught my eye.
Rose Stems - this is a triptych of three different rose stems - recently trimmed from winter roses in my backyard. The angles and lines of the smooth stems and thorns were fascinating.
Succulent - from the Stanford cactus garden. This majestic specimen, three feet or more across, provided beautiful lines and hues.
Tulip Blossoms - fleeting though they are, their delicate forms provide infinite opportunities for photographic expression.
Leaf - taken at the Conservatory in Golden Gate Park, this single leaf was perhaps four or five feet across, and backlit by the window to provide a reverse silhouette. The texture and veins of the leaf were rremarkable.
Ficus - sometimes art is right in front of you all along. As I was drinking my morning coffee I was struck by the light on our ficus, which provided the subject for this image.
Orchid - a common orchid in our dining room was lit by natural sunlight, creating gentle shadows on the wall behind.
Tulip - after a rain in the neighborhood, the tulips were speckled with perfect raindrops.
Tomatoes - capturing the raindrops and perfectly reflecting the scene behind, each droplet becomes a world unto itself.